Having trouble paying your bills? Never have enough extra money to have or accomplish what you’d like to? Sick of financial stress?
Becoming a UA Legacy Grant Recipient has the potential to change your financial comfort level and gives you unlimited capacity for financial growth.
Our grants can help you get the financial assistance you need.
spiritual inspiration
Our founder, Mark Miller, was inspired to take the age-old principle of sowing and reaping and apply it to the UA Legacy Grants concept:
Seeds sown in the right place, with the right spirit and intention to sustain not just oneself, but others as well, will create greater abundance for all. Always sow to the size of the harvest you desire to reap.
With that said, we look forward to helping you and your family to be able to reap an unending harvest of abundance.
For many years, our founder, Mark Miller, wanted to create a way to help as many people as possible to give to the charities and causes that they found to be worthy, while also being able to optimally support their families and their financial goals.
And, along Mark’s journey, working in various financial roles, he found just the way to accomplish what he had long wanted to be able to do for the world.
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